Daily Archives

July 23, 2011

Art Camp Day 5: Papier Mâché

July 23, 2011

papier mache form

ella and mickey

painting papier mache

papier mache project

ella and mickey

This was by far the messiest project! After constructing our forms out of food boxes, egg cartons and duct tape we made our paste. One part flour, one part water and a glob or two of Elmer’s glue. This whole process transformed me into a kid again. Dipping strips of paper into that gooey concoction and pasting them onto our creations brought me back to grade school art class. I think I was picking paste out of my hair and off of my arms for the rest of the day. After the Papier Mâché dried we gave our sculptures life with paint. Ella is very happy with her robot, that she has named “Mickey.”