Daily Archives

August 12, 2011

The Sunken Ship

August 12, 2011

The Sunken Ship Nantucket

I am finding it hard to sketch on vacation, feeling a bit out of my element. I am finding that I prefer the solace of my studio to the kitchen table in the Knoll. Go figure… Vacation is relaxing. I’m relaxed. My ultimate idea of relaxing is to create, paint, beach and paint some more. But… just not feeling it. However, I’m going to keep persevering. Thank God for my Hipstamatic app. Something to give this illustration of the “Sunken Ship” row boat in the harbor a little life.

This is 9” x 12” illustration is available for purchase. Just click on the button below and it will take you to my etsy shop.

[button size=small color=blue]Purchase[/button]