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September 2011

Lunch Anyone?

September 27, 2011

lunch at a cafe

Why yes, I’d love some!

I have this on-line guilty pleasure. I follow this blog (Aspiring Kennedy) and have been living vicariously through this o-so-cute girl I don’t know, but would love to be. She travels, parties and chats about all things fabulous. This photo was on her blog one day, while she was blogging about having lunch at this cozy cafe. Using a sort of Field of Dreams philosophy here… ‘if I paint it… it will come’ I too would have this fabulous life. Well, I’m still waiting. Until then, I have the internet.

Purple and Orange

September 26, 2011


This colorful illustration I created to be used as a background for a design project I’m working on (see below). Funny thing is, in the design project I stripped out the color and used the flowery balls as a white overlay… Strange how things tend to progress.

bacw convention cover

Finding Picasso

September 19, 2011


I was emailing with my daughter’s art teacher today and her email signature contained the following quote: “I finally realized I had painting down to a perfection when I could imitate what children drew.” — Pablo Picasso.  Love that!!!

The above painting is a copy I did some years ago of Picasso’s “Child Holding a Dove.” Not quite the Picasso people would automatically recognize. That was one of the things that drew me to it. Doves are a recurring theme in Picasso’s work. His father bred them and many of his childhood sketches included them. Our paintings represent a return to thoughts of childhood and memories of his sister, and mine… of my daughter as a young girl (she had hair like that, only blonde).

After I read that quote I dug my painting out of the bevy of works I keep in the cupboard under the stairs. This painting hung for many years above my bed. Seeing it now makes me love it all over again. Maybe It’s time I put it back up.



Sublime Melancholy

September 12, 2011

oil portrait

The above is an oil painting I did a few years back. Yes, I painted it even before the vampires on True Blood were crying blood tears. I use this image as my brand. It’s on my business card, my website, and my jewelry store. I’ve always loved this painting and it’s mood. I moved last year and when I was unpacking I couldn’t find it. I totally freaked and tore the house upside down! But lo and behold, it turned up. There are a few paintings I have done that I just won’t part with (and could never stand loosing), and this is one of them. I decided to paint it again… this time in watercolor and ink (below).

sublime melancholy

Playing with Color

September 8, 2011

silouetted face

A splash of color to brighten your mood on such a dreary day. I did this painting on a whim and the circles were a pleasant afterthought. It turned out to be a happy and bright abstract painting. I rather like it. Don’t you?

A print of this illustration is available for purchase. Just click on the button below and it will take you to my etsy shop.

[button size=small color=blue]Purchase[/button]


September 6, 2011

fashion illustrationCozy in her head to toe striped outfit! I want to be her right now seeing as the temperature outside has dropped 25 degrees since yesterday. Burrr… fall is on its way.

By the way, I have started selling more affordable prints of my work. The print of this illustration is available for purchase. Just click on the button below and it will take you to my etsy shop. Cheers!

[button size=small color=blue]Purchase[/button]