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October 2011


October 31, 2011

bloody knife

Yes, Halloween! All Hallows’ Eve! One of my favorite nights of the year. Everyone gets a little spooky. Everyone likes a bit of a scare. But watch out… you never know what may be lurking in the shadows… Boo!

Jack in the Box

October 20, 2011

scary clown

Is there anything scarier than a clown? I’m convinced that all serial killers were surrounded by clowns when they were children. My kids had a clown mobile when they were babies. Now I cautiously await the awakening of their maniacal tendencies… Thanks Aunt Jen…

(you know I’m only kidding.)


October 13, 2011

vampire eating mosquitos

What do Vampires have for an appetizer? Mmmmm, giving new meaning to the phrase ‘mosquito bite.’

Death to Peepsy

October 11, 2011

Death to Peep

An untimely end to our dear friend Mr. Peep as he succumbs to the mighty cocktail sword. Poor Peepsy so cute and sweet, exactly what did he do or say to piss off the chick with the sword?.. The world may never know.

Caught by the Farmer

October 9, 2011

bunnies in a toaster

“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and when they catch you, they will kill you… but first they must catch you”…

Just Another Day at the Morgue

October 4, 2011

Just Another Day at the Morgue

I tend to get a little gruesome this time of year. I believe there is a dark side of me that just needs to come out, especially with Halloween approaching… and I love Halloween. I have started a series of horrific and freaky paintings covering subjects from death and murder to the just plain weird. The first one I did I put on my blog a while ago called “Death Becomes Her”. I posted it a bit prematurely mostly to intimidate someone who thought she knew just a little bit more than me. Well, she didn’t! And she infused in me such a stir that the weird and creepy me has started to shine.