Daily Archives

November 10, 2011


November 10, 2011

anthropologie stripped dress and owl

“The crow wished everything was black, the owl, that every thing was white.” — William Blake

I walked pass Anthropologie the other day, my favorite store. And as usual, I tried to shield my eyes from all it’s glory with no avail. People talk about kismet, but I never bought into that notion until now. This dress was in the window. This dress was calling my name. This dress was made for me! Black and white stripped with different flattering layers, o so right up my alley. Those of you who know me personally and have been in my house recently know that I currently have this black and white obsession thing going on. Of course being the starving artist that I am, I had to settle for wearing it in my mind. Maybe painting it would ease my longing…. hmmm… nope.

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