Monthly Archives

May 2012

Better than Sex!

May 30, 2012

mouth party caramels

That’s right, you heard me! These yummy little bits of heaven by Mouth Party Caramels are the BOMB! Everytime I would stop by one of my local haunts that sell these I would have to grab one (or 2, sometimes 3) for the road. Recently, I had the distinct pleasure of redesigning their website. Seriously people… how can I design a website about caramels without eating them constantly (ha ha! Delish!) My company (and day job) Graphic Essentials is pleased to announce the launching of Mouth Party Caramel’s new website, so check it out…. My all-time favorites are the Sea Salt Caramels and the OMG! Caramels (because once you taste it, there are no other words).

You must get some of your own and decide for yourself if indeed they ARE… Better than Sex!


May 24, 2012

drawing of a beef on weckBeef on weck with horseradish and a little au jus. Ahhhh.. Now that would appease my appetite.

Down the Rabbit Hole

May 19, 2012

alice in wonderland

Where rabbit’s talk, tea is poured, the mad reign and magical things happen. Speaking of magic… sometimes I get so lost in painting I forget how I got to the end. I usually have some music blaring, my mind tends to wander and then before you know it, hours have passed. So I took some photos of this one along the way. Looking at these now it seems like Alice here took a long time to do, but to me… hmmm… where did the time go? Tick tock. Below is the progression for you to see.

progression of a painting

Soaking Up the Sun

May 10, 2012

soaking up the sun drawing

Got nothin’ to say today… just soaking up the sun. Hope you are too. (insert smiley emoticon here.)


Watching the Puddles Gather Rain

May 9, 2012

Child portrait bumble bee costumeThe whole time I was working on this toddler’s portrait I couldn’t help but sing Blind Melon’s No Rain… “All I can say is my life is pretty plain…”

This item has been sold

Child Portrait

May 7, 2012

child portrait illustrationThis is a portrait of a child. I found her on etsy… Can’t exactly remember the shop but it sold children’s clothing and accessories. She was so cute I had to give painting her a try.