Monthly Archives

August 2012

The Grey Lady

August 19, 2012

nantucket watercolor

“Just a sandy wind swept island!
What more would you have it be?
With a turquoise sky above it,
Around it sapphire sea.
When its dawns are pearl and opal,
Its noons are crystals clear,
And its sunsets shower down gold dust
Til the diamond stars appear.
When to those who are born on the island,
And to many from over the sea,
Tis fairer than all its jewels.
What more does it need to be?” — M. Starbuck

Long Island Iced Tea

August 7, 2012

long island iced tea drawing
1 part vodka
1 part tequila
1 part rum
1 part gin
1 part triple sec
1 1/2 parts sweet and sour mix
1 splash Coca-Cola

Mix ingredients together pour into a shaker with ice and, well… shake. Pour into a tall glass. Garnish with lemon and a sprig of mint. Best when sipped through a long blue straw.

Ahhh Summer

August 2, 2012

tire swing

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! As I think back to spring, I believed I vowed to take this summer slow. You know… stop and smell the roses. Well, now that I’m looking at the calendar I can’t believe it’s August already! I obviously did not take my own advice. So… time to restart! Today… I’m going to go for a swing, gonna drop my head back and stare up at the sky. Summer, I’m ready. Come and find me!