Daily Archives

December 5, 2012

One Horse Open Sleigh

December 5, 2012

Horse drawn sleigh with christmas tree

One Christmas when I was a child my family and I took my horse, Soroya, up the mountain across from her stables to get our Christmas tree. The plan was to cut it down in Rockwellian fashion, strap it to Soroya and then she would drag home the most perfect tree for us. I’m pretty sure my parents would tell you, it wasn’t that simple…

There was most likely lots of arguing and many people losing patience. “I want that tree.” “No, I want that tree!” “But Mom, Andy got to choose last year.” “Ok, how do we actually cut it down?” “How do we strap it to the horse?” “I thought YOU were bringing the rope!” “Wait, the horse is loose, somebody go and get her!” “I’m cold.” “I’m freezing!” “I can’t feel my toes.” “Mom, I want to go home!” “Oh crap! The damn rope broke! Guess we’re going to have to drag the tree ourselves!” “Mom… I have to pee.”

Regardless of what tragedies may have ensued on that day, this illustration is how I will always remember it… My picture perfect Christmas.