Monthly Archives

May 2013


May 28, 2013

Great Wellsville Balloon Rally by Tracy Hetzel

 This beautiful Lady will be auctioned off at The Great Wellsville Balloon Rally’s Evening Under the Stars Event on June 8th at the David A. Howe Library. Wouldn’t you like to be her new owner?

Say What?

May 22, 2013

fashion illustration portrait

It’s almost June? Almost summer?… My friends, where has the time gone?

Stepping on Van Gogh

May 14, 2013

fashion illustration iris painting

This is a painting I did as a gift to my Mother for Mother’s Day. We have an iris thing… Happy Mother’s Day Pruner! :)

Tea with Taylor

May 12, 2013

Taylor Swift Tea Party Painting

taylor swift posterIt’s Mother’s Day today, but today, it’s not all about ME! I have taken a back seat to my daughter, Ella. Today, we are off to D.C. to see her “absolutely most favorite person in the world,” Taylor Swift. In preparation for this day, Ella came to me a while back and said… “Mom, I need a painting! I need me and Taylor having tea and I should be wearing this and Taylor needs to look like this…” and on and on she went. You see, Ella is under the impression that at every one of her concerts, Taylor Swift chooses one girl (who has the best sign) to have tea with. 

Well, I supose spending hours on a painting, helping her design the poster of her dreams, printing it out, tiling it at 7:00 am on a Saturday and taking her to a Taylor Swift concert is what being a Mom is all about, right? Well, we all know I would do absolutely anything for that little girl. I love her with all my heart and so desperately want to give her the world… and if not the world, well, a Taylor Swift painting. To see her smile lights up my soul, and that makes my Mother’s Day.

Well, I don’t know if this ‘Taylor Tea Party’ is a thing or not, but hey, we’re ready! Bring it on! Now, let’s just hope we can get this thing through security. (wink, wink)

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!