Classy Girls Wear Crystal Pearls

September 30, 2013

fashion illustration rochas

My sister-in-law has a very glamorous job in the fashion industry where she is forced to be surrounded by celebrities while attending various fashion shows. (Oh, the humanity.) Yours truly is stuck at home only getting my fashion infusion by flipping through glossy magazines and watching Project Runway. So, as you can imagine, I like to live vicariously through her. I love keeping up with her many instagram posts and, you know, if I’m lucky, will receive the occasional (whoo hoo!) hand-me-down. So, while she was attending Paris Fashion Week I happened upon one of her instagrams featuring this Rochas ensemble. Yes, I fell in love. Bring me back one from Paris… Taille quatre, s’il vous plaît. Merci.

Steampunk Pin-up

September 27, 2013

steampunk_bearPin-up with a little bit of Steampunk and… a polar bear? Why not? Now I’m ready for the weekend.
Enjoy your Friday my friends.

For the Love of Pin-ups

September 23, 2013

pin-up fashion illustrationI’ve been working hard on a project that includes some sexy pin-ups. And come on… who can resist a sexy pin-up? I have been emerced in a lot of pin-up photo research lately, such as Betty Grable, Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, plus, hey,  a few “modern” pin-ups as well. A deluge of sexiness I would surely say. Stay tuned for a few more…

Throwback Thursday

September 5, 2013

circus, baby, life, clown oil painting

This is an oil painting I did back at the turn of the century after my 15 yr. old was born when watercolors still intimidated me. It’s huge, hangs over my kids computer, and it’s beautiful… My life is still a circus.

“The circus had been unlike anything I could ever imagine and I could not walk away. I wanted to be a part of the magic, create it and wield it with such skill that it looked effortless. I wanted to fly.”
Laura Lam, Pantomime