
May 2, 2013

fashion illustration red dress brooklyn

I’ve been experimenting with backgrounds. When I first dabbled into this whole world of watercolor I didn’t really focus on backgrounds, mainly just the figure/subject. But, I was hired to do a painting with a background in it. So, here I am, trying to get my background groove on. This one… the Brooklyn Bridge.


April 30, 2013

Lorrainelorraine_photoWhat I remember about Grandma Lorraine… My paternal grandmother was the school nutritionist, her office was in the grade school and I would see her every day. While she was in charge, school lunches totally ROCKED (yum!) and she always had extra change lying around for her grand-kids so we could get double dessert (ooo Bonus!). She made the best applesauce cooked down with little red cinnamon candies. The apples were picked from the trees in her yard, that we would climb. Her potato salad is legendary, my family will still call each other when we forget an ingredient. She was the queen of pink and black. She loved bridge. Her finger nails would always click on the piano keys when she would play. Her toe nails were always long and polished. She had the funkiest jewelry (clip-on earrings and all). She had a knack for tacky bathroom accessories (furry toilet lids, gold tissue box covers, etc.) She smoked. As kids we would play on her circa 1960’s Butt-Shaking Vibrating-Belt Machine. She had the spookiest basement that I still have nightmares about. She would give us little taps on the fanny that drove me nuts. (I now do this to my own kids). She came to my college graduation. The first and only time I ever played shuffle board was with her in Florida. She passed away in 1994…

I don’t think my painting does her justice.

The Seamstress

April 28, 2013

Fashion art seamstress designer

Funny how the term “seamstress” is so feminine. Even defines it as “A woman who sews, esp. one who earns her living by sewing.” No males mentioned there. Yet if you break it down… Seam – “the joining of two pieces” and Stress – “constraining force or influence” it seems (pun intended) to be much a much tougher word, don’t cha think? All I know is that sewing is a learned skill that turns into talent when the passion for it totally consumes you. Kinda like painting (smile)… btw, I’m not a sewer. However, my daughter has a desire for it. Can’t wait to see where it takes her.

Powder Your Nose

April 14, 2013

fashion illustration applying makeup

Feels great to be painting again! I suffered a bit of an injury a few weeks back when I tried to rescue a wine glass from falling over. Well it met it’s doom on my ring finger. Eight stitches… ouch! I have healed enough to start painting again. Little miss polka dot here was almost finished when my “accident” happened. Feels great to pick up a paint brush. I’ve got plenty of work piled up and I’m smiling just thinking about it!

All the Frills

March 30, 2013

fashion illustration easter dress

“I’ll be the grandest lady in the Easter Parade.
You’ll be all in clover, and when they look me over…” Happy Easter