
July 27, 2012

painting of popsicles

mmmm…. One of summer’s must have treats! What’s your favorite flavor?

Cowboy Cupcakes

July 17, 2012

cowgirl riding a cupcake

Don’t know about you, but I’m craving cupcakes! And I think Winnie here is too. So, if you happen to be in Bend, Oregon stop by Cowboy Cupcakes (www.cowboycupcakes.com) and indulge in some yummy treats. They specialize in all-natural cupcakes that allow you to be as healthy as possible… even when you are being a little naughty.

Bonjour Balloons

July 12, 2012

hot air balloons at the wellsville balloon rally

It’s almost that time my friends… Time to head north to my hometown of Wellsville, NY for the Great Wellsville Balloon Rally. There’s nothing quite like sitting in the backyard with drink in hand watching the sunset with the hot air balloons flying low over the house you grew up in. No noise except the sound of the fuel tank igniting it’s flame and making the balloon rise higher and higher. If you have never been for a ride in a hot air balloon before, well… you’re missin out. Flying in a hot air ballo­on is one of the most serene experiences I’ve ever had. Feels like you’re flying. And I’m not one for heights, but in a balloon… I don’t care! O yeah!… and when you land, there is always champagne! Can’t wait!



4th of July

July 3, 2012

girl with balloons

It’s July 4th and what’s not to love? Is it the fact that we have the day off? The smell of all the grills in the air? Chowing down on Grandma Lorraine’s potato salad? Perhaps it’s watching the kids run around waving small American Flags or making luminescent spirals with sparklers or their squeals as they catch fireflies before the big fireworks show.  What ever it is… I love it! Love it all! One of my favorite things to do on the 4th is… stay  home! You know why? Since we have moved in to our new house we have discovered that from our deck we can see at least 3 different fireworks shows from around the Baltimore area. Plus we have a few amateurs in the neighborhood that spin their own magic. So, If you’re looking for me, I’ll be reclining on my deck with the view, pina colada and hot dog in hand (and bathroom near by… BONUS) oohing and aahing with my family and friends as the country celebrates another year of Independence! So, however you celebrate the 4th of July, I hope it’s as wonderful and carefree as mine!

Shoe Shopping

June 29, 2012

Hamiltons Shoes, Wellsville, NY

Nothing better than shoe shopping! Right Ladies?

This painting, based on the Hamilton’s Shoe Store back home, is how I always pictured myself when my mother took me in to town for some new shoes.

You can win a copy of this print. Just head to my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/tracy.hetzel.art (make sure you “like” me) find the post of this painting and comment. You must comment to enter! All the names of people who comment will be thrown into a hat and the winner drawn Saturday, July 7th, 2012!