Dinner’s Ready

June 14, 2013

retro housewife paintingI have been working on a series inspired by the talented Kelly Reemtsen. There is just something about the retro 50’s/60’s housewife that I both love and yet, could never bring myself to be. I love the fashions, love the styles, love the purity of that time and love that you did your make-up to go to the store. However, being a housewife is just not, and never will be, my cup of tea. I blame this on being brought up by a self-reliant and strong-willed woman (thanks Mom). If I had been a housewife of that bygone era I’m pretty sure I would have mentally snapped and gone all Lizzie Borden on my bring-home-the-bacon, have-my-cocktail-ready, dinner-on-the-table-at-seven-sharp husband. So this series is a pastiche into the fragile mental state of the do-not-screw-with-me fashionable 50’s housewife.

Stay tuned for more… Enjoy!

Bawlmer Hon!

June 8, 2013

baltimore hon drawing

BAWLMER REPRESENT! Guess what, hon? Honfest is this weekend here in Baltimore. Held on 36th St. in the fabulous Hampden neighborhood, Honfest honors the historic hard working women of this town, which I am proud to call home. There is nothing better to lift your mood than the sight of a hon! Am I right, hon? So, come on out and celebrate in pure Baltimorean fashion!… Get your beehive ON!


June 3, 2013

fashion illustration tracy hetzel

Welcome June! I love June! The grueling school year comes to an end. The lazy days of summer begin. Hot weather… cold drinks. Long summer nights with fire flies dancing in your backyard. Ahhh, June! Now if I only had this dress to wear to a fancy summer party life would be perfect.


June 1, 2013

cupcake illustration

Of course cupcakes are breakfast food. I already licked the icing off, that clearly makes it a muffin.