Wise Old Owl

March 6, 2013

owl with top hat and monocle

A wise old owl once said to me…“and above all watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.” – Roald Dahl


March 1, 2013

As some of you know, I have been working very hard on some submissions to the Great Wellsville Balloon Rally Committee. It has been my childhood dream to take over the poster design of this great event and follow in the shadows of the wonderfully talented Tom O’Grady. Well, my heart was broken when I found out I was not to be the artist this year. Lost by one vote. Seriously… one vote? How much closer can you get? I did have some pretty great people in my corner, and my many thanks go out to them for their support (you know who you are!)… Anyway, I look forward to trying again next year (and try, I will!) This girl does not give up easily on her childhood dreams. Thought I’d show off my 3 submissions to you all. My favorite is the first shown. I have titled it “Balloon Shadows.”

Balloon shadows balloon rally

wellsville balloon rally

Retro Swim

February 28, 2013

retro beach models

I need a vacation… who’s with me? Time to get away and play in the sand and surf. Summer… What’s taking you so long?